3 things I learned about healing

I can’t stop thinking about how big of a difference the last year has made for me. Of course I can see a big physical difference (see below) but there’s more to it. 

My outlook on life is a lot different too. 

I am so proud of the work that I put in to get here. While taking care of yourself and healing is a lifelong journey that I hope to take for a long time, I believe I am now better equipped to catch myself before I get that far again. 

Though what most others see is the physical changes, I’ve put a lot of time into my mental and emotional health too. 

Left 2 photos are 2023 - Right 2 photos are 2024

Here are 3 key things I’ve learned along the way:

Stop believing that what worked for someone you know (or follow online) is going to work for you. 

  • I definitely encourage inquiring and trying new things, but remember that you are unique and doing exactly what someone else is doing may not be the best choice for you. It’s ok to start something and drop it if it’s not working once you’ve given it enough time. Jumping around too much won’t give you time to really know if it would work.

Stop going back to what worked for you in the past. 

  • I am very guilty of this one. Once I noticed the weight coming on I decided to start doing fasted cardio in the mornings and lifting as heavy as I could for my strength workouts. But it wasn’t helping. I was going back to food choices that I relied on when I lost weight over 10 years ago. Our bodies change SO MUCH and it’s hard to accept that what worked before won’t work now. I had to realize that my weight gain wasn’t only physical, I had internal things I needed to sort through too (but I won’t get into that right now). Be open to trying new things and to realizing you may need to slow way down first before you can pick up speed again. And that is ok.

Stop thinking you have to do this alone.

  • You need a support network. It’s hard work to change habits and it can be helpful to have accountability, support and guidance from others. I’m so fortunate to have amazing friends, a supportive family and that I am able to invest in myself through coaching. I’ve asked certain people to hold me accountable on things, others have been sounding boards when needed. They would check in on me if I went a little quiet. They are my people and I’m so lucky. I hope you have someone like this in your life. 

I’m slowly feeling ready to share more openly about all the changes I’ve gone through and how I’ve learned to better support and take care of myself. If you have any questions drop them below! 



Riding the waves of grief


Fishing with Daddy!